Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects reading and spelling, and therefore writing. Approximately 10% of people have dyslexia, all with a unique profile of strengths and challenges. Dyslexia impacts also on processing information, remembering and using information and being able to recall previous learning. There can also be issues with organisation skills, some aspects of maths and acquiring new language.
However there are some significant strengths in the dyslexic profile including creativity, visual reasoning, seeing the ‘whole picture’, social skills amongst many others. At 360 Dyslexia we pride ourselves on taking a holistic approach to assessment and ensuring strengths are identified, celebrated and built upon.
Signs to look for are varied and change throughout a person’s development. These include the development of language, reading skills and spelling. In addition processing and understanding information, memory and concentration.
See the British Dyslexia Association Website for detailed information.
A diagnostic assessment is the only way that dyslexia can be formally identified. This assessment will also provide a clearer picture of someone's cognitive profile and their strengths and weaknesses. This will help to ensure that any support put in place is as effective as possible for that individual.
If a diagnosis is given, if one is appropriate, it lasts throughout education and can be used as supporting evidence for school, college, examination concessions, and Disabled Students' Allowance (from Student Finance England).
Read more about key information relating to our full diagnostic assessment below.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to us then you can book a chat on our online booking page, email us at 360dyslexia@gmail.com or submit an online enquiry using the form on this page.
We offer a totally bespoke service to all of our clients. Key information relating to our Full Diagnostic Dyslexia Assessment services are set out below.
Assessment Name: Full Diagnostic Assessment-Dyslexia-Child
Age Group: Children aged between 8 and 15
Cost: £525
Deposit Payment: A £100 deposit must be paid online when booking the assessment with the remainder due prior to receiving the full report via BACS (details will be provided).
Location: The assessment ideally would take place in your home or in school if needed. In our experience, children are much more relaxed in their own home. A quiet space with a table and two chairs is required. If neither of these are possible the assessment can take placed in the the assessors offices and information will be provided.
Assessment Length: The assessment will take 2-3 hours with breaks given. Parents/carers are asked not to stay.
Following the Assessment: Your assessment report will be emailed within 10 working days (approximately 2 weeks). Full Diagnostic Reports are very comprehensive and adhere to the SASC and Government criteria.
Follow-ups: Reports can be discussed via the telephone or video if required
Cancellation policy: All changes and cancellations must be notified in writing to 360dyslexia@gmail.com There is a 14 day cooling off period after which the deposit is non-refundable. For cancellations of more than 14 days your deposit will be returned. For cancellations within 14 days of a booked session the deposit is non-refundable.
Assessments cannot take place if a child/young person is unwell and in this case please contact 360 Dyslexia and a new appointment will be made and your deposit carried over.
If you would like to book an assessment please follow these procedures:
Download and complete the pre-assessment forms for the parent/carer and the child/young person
Liaise with relevant school staff to complete the pre-assessment form for staff to fill-in, choosing a member of staff who knows your child well and/or the school SENCO
Return all forms to us via email at 360dyslexia@gmail.com
Book a convenient assessment time and date via the online booking system.
Children/young people must have had an eye-test within the last twelve months
We have many years experience in working with children and young adults and specialise in these types of assessments.
Contact us for a free and no obligation consultation or book an assessment today.